Kenjiro Okazaki, A plate of pepper, a plate of honey, a plate of yogurt, a plate of tar, the giant covered everything with a platter and asked. What was under these plates? And where do you want to go? I want to go to Egypt. She left in the morning but arrived before dawn. The giant carried her across the day. When she walked early in the morning, people found her and thought she was a foreigner. Did you really send us away? she asked. I have seen days blacker than tar and more bitter than forbidden pills. But God has blessed me with days whiter than yogurt and sweeter than honey. I seek only the truth., 2023
Oil on canvas
82 5/8 x 102 3/4 x 3 3/4 inches

Featured in Art Basel 2024

© Kenjiro Okazaki, Photo: SAIKI

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BLUM Los Angeles is closed for installation until Saturday, September 14.