Frieze Los Angeles

February 16 – 19, 2023
Santa Monica

For Frieze Los Angeles 2023, Blum & Poe is pleased to present a cross section of the gallery’s program. Exemplifying new allegiances, this presentation includes work by artists such as Christopher Hartmann, Acaye Kerunen, and Collin Sekajugo—all of whom will have solo exhibitions at Blum & Poe, Los Angeles opening in 2023. Also present within the booth are Blum & Poe’s longtime affiliates, some of whom—artists such as Dave Muller and Yoshitomo Nara—have exhibited work with the gallery for more than twenty years. 

Theodora Allen
March Avery
Alvaro Barrington
Robert Colescott
Thornton Dial
Aaron Garber-Maikovska
Tomoo Gokita
Mark Grotjahn
Ha Chong-hyun
Kazunori Hamana
Christopher Hartmann
Julian Hoeber
Lonnie Holley
Matt Johnson
Acaye Kerunen
Friedrich Kunath
Shio Kusaka
Mimi Lauter
Tony Lewis
Florian Maier-Aichen
Eddie Martinez
Dave Muller
Yoshitomo Nara
Asuka Anastacia Ogawa
Kenjirō Okazaki
Anna Park
Lauren Quin
Umar Rashid
Collin Sekajugo
Kishio Suga
Alexander Tovborg
Zhu Jinshi

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BLUM Los Angeles is closed for installation until Saturday, September 14.