Artist's Page

Julian Hoeber

Born in Philadelphia, PA, 1974

MFA, Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA
BFA, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
BA, Tufts University, Medford, MA
Karel de Grote Hogeschool, Antwerp, Belgium

Lives and works in Los Angeles, CA 

One-Person Exhibitions

I Went to See Myself but I Saw You, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

Relief from Pictures, Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Rosenwald-Wolf Gallery of the University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Research & Personal Development, Blum & Poe, New York, NY

Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

The Inward Turn, Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France
Inners, Fused Space, San Francisco, CA
Zach Feuer Gallery, New York, NY

Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

Harris Lieberman, New York, NY
Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France

Fun House, Western Bridge, Seattle, WA
Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, CA Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

Hammer Projects: Julian Hoeber, Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA

Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France

All that is solid melts into air, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

Galleria Francesca Kaufmann, Milan, Italy

Talkers are No Good Doers, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

Essor Gallery, London, UK

Killing Friends, Blum & Poe, Santa Monica, CA

Group Exhibitions

Superbloom, The Pit, Palm Springs, CA

Piano Sale Going on Somewhere, Michael Benevento, Los Angeles, CA

Schindler House: 100 Years in the Making, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, West Hollywood, CA

We Are Here, Jessica Silverman, San Francisco, CA
New Iconography: Artists Raising Children, The Landing, Los Angeles, CA

Fifteen Fifty Penthouse, San Francisco, CA
5,471 miles, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA 

Four and inches, Peggy Phelps Gallery, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA
Going Nowhere Pavilion #01 & Executed Variant DHS #1 (Q1, CJ, DC), Desert X Biennial, Coachella Valley, CA 

Rose Ocean: Living with Duchamp, Frances Young Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery at Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
A Tradition of Revolution, Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TX
Kinship, Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco, CA
Horizon Lines, Jessica Silverman Gallery at 288 Pacific, San Francisco, CA

Skip Tracer, M. LeBlanc, Chicago, IL
I LOVE L.A., Praz-Delavallade, Los Angeles, CA
Vertical Gardens, Antenna Space, Shanghai, China 
Progeny!, EFA Project Space, New York, NY

Beverly Center Art Program, Beverly Center, Los Angeles, CA
Madames Electrics, The Pit, Glendale, CA
Gold Rush, de Saisset Museum, Santa Clara, CA
Takashi Murakami’s Superflat Collection: From Shōhaku and Rosanjin to Anselm Kiefer, Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan
Expanded Fields, Nymphius Projekte, Berlin, Germany
Design & Crime, Galerie Eric Hussenot, Paris, France
Sim City, Ballroom Marfa, Marfa, TX

Picture the Cricket's Legs Apart, Kavi Gupta Gallery, Chicago, IL
Three Day Weekend: Business in Front b/w Blue White Red, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA

Please Enter, Franklin Parrasch Gallery, New York, NY
(Dec)curation, R & Company, New York, NY
Forms of Abstraction: American Abstraction from the 1950s to Today, Simon C. Dickinson,
London, UK
Julian Hoeber and André Kertész, Zach Feuer, New York, NY
Post-op: Perceptual Gone Painterly, Galerie Perrotin, Paris, France
Unsparing Quality, Diane Rosenstein Fine Art, Los Angeles, CA
Out of Sight, Out of Mind, Machine Project, Los Angeles, CA, US

Painting in Place, Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND), Los Angeles, CA
Educational Complex Edit: Videos from the Students of Mike Kelley, Art Gallery, University of
West Florida, Pensacola, FL
Beyond the Object, Brand New Gallery, Milan, Italy

Your History is Our History, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France
Across the Pacific: Young Artists from L.A., 313 Art Project, Seoul, Korea
Surface in Volume, Luce Gallery, Turin, Italy
The Paranoia of Time, Carter & Citizen, Los Angeles, CA

American Exuberance, Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation, Miami, FL
Fun House, Western Bridge, Seattle, WA 2/3 D Abstraction, Bodson-Emelincks Gallery,
Brussels, Belgium
Adult Contemporary: Family Romance, Kavi Gupta, Berlin, Germany Analia Saban, Julian
Hoeber, Jeremy Shaw, Alistair Frost
, Bodson-Emelinckx, Brussels, Belgiu

Valentin Carron, Philippe Decrauzat, Thomas Fougeirol, Julian Hoeber, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France

Drawings, Praz-Delavallade, Paris, France
Inaugural Group Exhibition, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA
Resist Complacency, Consider Urgency, Center for the Arts, Eagle Rock, Los Angeles, CA Compass in Hand: Selections from The Judith Rothschild Foundation Contemporary Drawings Collection, MOMA, New York, NY

Delusionarium 4, Circus Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
A Lower World: Excesses and Extremes in Film and Video, curated by curated by Pleasure Dome Film and Video Programming Collective, Pixel Gallery, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Los Angeles Confidential, Parc St. Leger Art Contemporain, Pougues Les Eaux, France
Against the Grain, LACE, Los Angeles, CA
Murder Pretended, Casa Vecina, Mexico City, Mexico
Constellation, Kavi Gupta, Chicago, IL

Panic Room - Works from The Dakis Joannou Collection, Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece
Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
Trudi: No Jerks, Rental Gallery, NY

A Selected State, Emily Tsingou Gallery, London, UKDark Places, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, CA
JSA (Jim Shaw’s Army), Rental Gallery, Los Angeles, CA
many, many guys and girls, all real beauties, curated by Julian Hoeber, Circus of Books Gallery, Santa Monica, CA
The Wonder and Horror of the Human Head, 4F, Los Angeles, CA

Very Early Pictures, Luckman Gallery, California State University, Los Angeles, CA; traveled to Arcadia University Art Gallery, Philadelphia, PA
2004: Planet B: The Aesthetics of the B-Movie, Palais Thurn & Taxis and Magazin4, Bregenz, Austria
Zaishoku kenbi = Art & Money, Base Gallery, Tokyo, Japan

Inaugural Group Show, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA
Premiere, A Gavlak Projects Production, New York, NY
I See a Darkness, Blum & Poe, Santa Monica, CA

Morbid Curiosity II, I-20, New York, NY

Morbid Curiosity, Los Angeles, CA

Vivisection Diaries/Playing Dead and Other Work (with Jacqueline Cooper), jennjoygallery, San Francisco, CA
Blood & Fog, with Tom Allen at ACCD Graduate Studios, Pasadena, CA

Face to Face, The Stage Gallery, Merrick, NY

Intro, jennjoygallery, San Francisco, CA

Film and Video Screenings

Loops, FELTspace, Adelaida, Australia

Adult Contemporary - Dirty Black Summer, Kavi Gupta, Berlin, Germany (Screening: Killing Friends)

New York International Independent Video and Film Festival
, Laemmle Fairfax, Los Angeles, CA (Screening: Talkers are No Good Doers)

Curatorial Projects

No Bingo for Felons, Arcadia University Art Gallery, Glenside, PA. Curated by Julian Hoeber and Alix Lambert.

No Person May Carry A Fish Into A Bar, Blum & Poe, Los Angeles, CA. Curated by Julian Hoeber and Alix Lambert.

many, many guys and girls, all real beauties, Circus of Books Gallery, Santa Monica, CA

Other Projects


Designed display systems for a mural made by Doyle Lane, included in Clay Bodies: Moving Through Ceramics, curated by Sarah Crowner, Kentucky Museum of Arts and Crafts, Louisville, KY



Karapetian, Farrah. Unsparing Quality. Los Angeles: Diane Rosenstein Fine Art, 2014.
Poirier, Matthieu. Post-Op: Perceptual Gone Painterly. Paris: Galerie Perrotin, 2014.
Roselione-Valadez, Juan, ed. Rubell Family Collection: Highlights and Artists' Writings, Volume 1. Miami: Rubell Family Collection/Contemporary Arts Foundation, 2014.

Julian Hoeber. Texts by Douglas Fogle and Jonathan Lethem. Los Angeles: Blum & Poe, 2013.

Across the Pacific: Young Artists from LA. Seoul: 313 Art Project, 2012.

Roselione-Valadez, Juan, ed. American Exuberance. Miami: Rubell Family Collection, 2011.

Rosenberg, David. Art of Flying: Les nouveaux horizons de l'art. New York; Paris: Assouline, 2010.

Rattemeyer, Christian. The Judith Rothschild Foundation Catalogue Raisonné. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 2009.

Against the Grain. Los Angeles: LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Editions), 2008.

Grayson, Kathy, ed. Panic Room: Selections from the Dakis Joannou Works on Paper Collection. New York: Deitch Projects; Athens, Greece: Deste Foundation for Contemporary Art, 2007.

Kraus, Chris, ed. LA Artland. London: Black Dog Publishing, 2005.

Zaishoku kenbi = Art & Money. Tokyo: Base Gallery, 2004.

Tumlir, Jan, ed. Morbid Curiosity: An Exhibition. New York: I-20 Gallery, 2001.

Articles and Reviews

Madlener, Adrian. “Art Finds a New Audience When the Exhibition Space Is a Model Apartment.”, January 15, 2021.

“7 Bay Area Arts and Entertainment Events to Check Out This Week.” San Francisco Chronicle, November 30, 2020.
Goldstein, Caroline. “A Transporting New Exhibition Explores the Possibility That All Things Are Imbued with Spiritual Life—See Artworks Here.” Artnet News, July 31, 2020.

Barandy, Kat. “Julian Hoeber Investigates the Mind with ‘Going Nowhere Pavilion’ at Desert X.”, February 13, 2019.
Dixon, Carole. “Desert X Returns to the Coachella Valley.”, February 14, 2019.
Finkel, Jori. “Hits and Misses at Palm Spring’s Second Desert X Biennial.” Art Newspaper, February 14, 2019.
Greenberger, Alex. “Here’s the Artist List for Desert X’s 2019 Edition.” Artnews, January 28, 2019.
Knight, Christopher. “Review: For Desert X 2019, I Drove 198 Miles to See 19 Artists’ Work. Here’s the Best.” Los Angeles Times, February 23, 2019.
Newhall, Edith. "Artist Julian Hoeber Is What You Get When You Raise a Dreamy Philly Kid in a Frank Furness House. See His Work at Uarts Now.", August 15, 2019.

“Going On About Town: Julian Hoeber.” New Yorker, February 2018.

Vankin, Deborah. "Beverly Center as Art Gallery? How Some Big-Name Artists Are behind Those Construction Barricades.” Los Angeles Times, April 20, 2017.  

Akel, Joseph. “Review of Julian Hoeber. Jessica Silverman Gallery, San Francisco.” Modern Painters (March 2016): 107.
"Beverly Center Adds Art on the Inside as Part of Its Renovation.", October 31, 2016. 
Black, Ezrha Jean. "Various Small Fairs - Art Los Angeles Contemporary, 2016." Artillery, January 29, 2016.
Hoeber, Julian. Interviewed by Cayetano Ferrer. "Julian Hoeber & Cayetano Ferrer in Conversation." YouTube video, 8:06. Posted by "SCI-Arc Channel." September 27, 2016.
Sherman, Julia. "Julian Hoeber's Pancetta and Bitter Greens Salad." Salad for President (blog), July 2016.

“Artist Michelle Grabner's Picks From EXPO Chicago 2015.”, September 14, 2015.
Chun, Kimberly. "L.A. Artist Chews on Interesting Theme in S.F. Gallery Showing." SFGate,
December 8, 2015.
“Contemporary Art Daily Founder Forrest Nash’s Picks From EXPO Chicago 2015.”, September 14, 2015.
Gluck, Marissa. “When L.A. Artists Need a Place to Live and Paint, They Call Keith Couser.” LA Weekly, August 14, 2015.
Indrisek, Scott. “Art, Lovers: Romantic Teamwork in Bushwick’s 'Swingers WKND.'” BlouinArtInfo, June 4, 2015.
Lutz, Leora. "A Scholar's Airport as the Body's Proxy: Julian Hoeber's 'The Inward Turn.' " SFAQ, November 24, 2015.
Sachs, Danica. "Critic's Picks: Julian Hoeber." Artforum, November 27, 2015.
Simmons, Amanda N. "Review: The Inward Turn." Art Practical, December 1, 2015.
Slenske, Michael. "Turn Around: Julian Hoeber's Latest Solo Show Takes Off." Wallpaper,
November 9, 2015.
“The Strange and Mysterious Case of Demon Hill: Julian Hoeber's Gravitational Anomaly.”, May 21, 2015.
Wu, Su. “Dave Muller’s Three Day Weekend Playlist.” T: The New York Times Magazine. July 13, 2015.

Fort, Thomas. "Post-Op: Du perceptuel au pictural, 1958-2014." 02, April 7, 2014.

Arnosky, Mischa. “No Bingo for Felons’ at Arcadia University’s Art Gallery.” Abington Patch, September 1, 2013. Biller, Steven. "Palm Springs & the High Desert: It's a Dry Heat." Art Ltd. (January-February 2013): 12-16, supplement.
Crimmins, Peter. "Scenes of the Crime Featured in 'No Bingo for Felons at Arcadia Gallery.", September 3, 2013.
Difilippo, Dana. "Art Exhibition Showcases Links Between Art and Crime." Philadelphia Inquirer, August 30, 2013. Drohojowska-Philp, Hunter. "Painting in Place.", June 13, 2013.
Joy, Jenn. “Julian Hoeber.” BOMBlog, January 2, 2013. First published November 14, 2011.
Lethem, Jonathan. "The Subjective Fog: For Julian Hoeber." Paris Review, November 6, 2013.
Melrod, George. "LAND Founder Shamim M. Momin Is Making Waves with Her Rigorous and Innovative Approach to Public Art." ArtLtd, September-October 2013: 62-63.
Newhall, Edith. “Fanciful ‘Chopsticks’ That Celebrate Duality of Life.” Philadelphia Inquirer, October 13, 2013.
Newhouse, Sam. "Crimes and Misdemeanors - No Bingo for Felons at Arcadia University.", October 16, 2013.
Wagley, Catherine. “When Art Meets Therapy.” L.A. Weekly, July 18, 2013.

Black, Ezrha. “Julian Hoeber at Carter & Citizen and Blum & Poe.” Artillery 6, no. 6 (Summer 2012): 18-19.
Howe, Holly. “Holly Howe’s Top Five from ArtHK 2012.”, May 18, 2012.
Lehrer-Graiwer, Sarah, and Jeff Hassay. “Ball of Confusion.”, February 5, 2012.
McGarry, Kevin. “Out There: Mystery Theater.” New York Times Style Magazine, February 1, 2012.
Melrod, George. "LAND Founder Shamim M. Momin Is Making Waves with Her Rigorous and Innovative Approach to Public Art." ArtLtd, September-October 2013: 62-63.
Moshayedi, Aram. “No Person May Carry a Fish into a Bar.”, August 13, 2012.
Myers, Holly. "'Crime Gets Creative." Los Angeles Times, August 3, 2012.
Palmerton, Elwyn. “Julian Hoeber: Harris Lieberman Gallery.” Frieze, no. 151 (November-December 2012): 171.
Shaw, Michael. "Julian Hoeber: Vigorous and Rigorous, Demon Hill & de Menil.", May 25, 2012.

Foss, Paul. “Julian Hoeber: Hammer Museum.” Art in America 99, no. 4 (April 2011): 131.
Knight, Christopher. “Abstraction Rooted in Reality.” Los Angeles Times, February 18, 2011.
Poundstone, William. “Mystery Spot: Julian Hoeber's "Demon Hill.”, February 8,
Powers, Jessica. “Lost in the Funhouse.”, July 12, 2011. Schad, Ed. “Julian
Hoeber.” Art Review, no. 50 (May 2011): 126.
Taft, Catherine. “Julian Hoeber: Blum & Poe.” Artforum 49, no. 8 (April 2011): 224.
Trachta, Ali. “Get Hammered.” LA Weekly, January 27, 2011.
Upchurch, Michael. “’Funhouse’ at Western Bridge is Off-Kilter Art.” Seattle Times, June 24,
Wagley, Catherine. “Mystery Spot.”, December 17, 2010.

Berardini, Andrew. “Julian Hoeber: Hammer Museum.”, December 1, 2010.
Sante, Luc. Julian Hoeber. Los Angeles: Hammer Museum, 2010.
Stacey, Allan. “Demon Hill.”, December 16, 2010.
Taylor, Brittany. “Hammer Exhibit Confounds Gravity.”, November 5, 2010 

Fiduccia, Joanna. “Julian Hoeber Praz-Delavallade.” Artforum 47, no. 9 (May 2009): 249.
Smith, Sarah Neel. “Julian Hoeber: Blum & Poe.” Whitehot Magazine, January 2009.

Bedford, Christopher. “Against the Grain.” Frieze, no. 119 (November-December 2008): 201-02.
Berardini, Andrew. “Julian Hoeber: All That is Solid Melts into Air.” THE Magazine (November 2008): 51.
Berardini, Andrew. “Sketches: August 21, 2008,” LA City Beat, August 21, 2008.
Karapetian, Farrah. “Against the Grain.” Whitehot Magazine, September 2008.
Khadivi, Jesi. “Julian Hoeber: Blum & Poe.” Artweek 39, no. 9 (November 2008): 19-20.
Miles, Christopher. “Opening Week at L.A. Galleries: The Fall Art Season Begins.” LA Weekly, September 11, 2008.
Noe, Palola. “Julian Hoeber.” Flash Art (Italian ed.) 41, no. 267 (December 2007-January 2008): 119.
Ollman, Leah. “A Show’s Artists in a State of Unrest.” Los Angeles Times, August 8, 2008.
Pagel, David. “A Thoughtful Look at Casual Violence,” Los Angeles Times, September 26, 2008.
Taft, Catherine. “Julian Hoeber: All That Is Solid Melts into Air.” ArtReview no. 28 (December2008): 123.
Tully, Judd. “Art Basel Sets Out at Orderly Sprint.”, June 3, 2008.
Vogel, Carol. “At Art Basel, Old Names And Few Showstoppers.” New York Times, June 5, 2008.
Wagley, Catherine. “Julian Hoeber.”, September 4, 2008.

“The Wonder and Horror of the Human Head.” Los Angeles Times, May 25, 2006.
Wilder, Matthew.  “JSA.”, January 13, 2006.

Willis, Holly. “Review: Talkers Are No Good Doers.” LA Weekly, February 25-March 3, 2005.

“Art: Julian Hoeber.” KultureFlash, March 25, 2003.
Dyer, Richard. “London.” Contemporary, no. 49 (2003): 18-19.
Falconer, Morgan. “Julian Hoeber: Essor Gallery.” What’s On in London, March 2003.
Herbert, Martin. “Preview.” Pluck (March-April 2003): 29.
Herbert, Martin. “Julian Hoeber.” Time Out (London), March 19-26, 2003.
LaBelle, Charles. “I See a Darkness.” Frieze, no. 76 (June-August 2003): 116.
Payne, Rosalyn. “Don’t Be Alarmed – It’s Only Art!,” Southwark News, February 20, 2003.
Pinsent, Richard. “Julian Hoeber: Killing Friends.” Art Newspaper 9, no. 133 (February 2003): 16.
Schmitz, Edgar. “Julian Hoeber: Killing Friends.” Kunstforum International, no. 164 (March-May
2003): 373-74.
Zamet, Kate. “Julian Hoeber: Essor Gallery.” Flash Art 36, no. 229 (March-April 2003): 114

Pagel, David. “Julian Hoeber's World: the Horror, the Humor,” Los Angeles Times, May 31, 2002.
Tumlir, Jan. “Morbid Curiosity: The Art School Curriculum and Modernism Unbound.” Artext, no.
76 (Fall 2002): 64-76. 

Cooper, Jacqueline. “Shiny Happy People: Art and Special Effects.” New Art Examiner 28, no. 10 (July-August 2001): 68-75.
Weissman, Benjamin. “Notes Toward an Autobiography of Paul McCarthy.” X-Tra 4, no. 2 (August 2001): 22-29.

Publications by the Artist

Hoeber, Julian. “Room to Think.” Art in America (February 2017): 44-45.

Hoeber, Julian. “Of Kool Herc and Sherrie Levine: Tracing the Parallel Lives of Hip-Hop and
Appropriation Art.” Modern Painters, October 2016.

Hoeber, Julian. “The Fan Club: Why Enthusiasm, Not Scholarship, Motivates Artists.” Frieze, no. 174 (October 2015): 202-208.

Hoeber, Julian. "Artists at Work: Jim Shaw.", April 30, 2014.

Hoeber, Julian. “You Will Be Remembered For the Worst Thing That Ever Happened to You.” Centerfold 3, no. 1 (June 2013): VII.

Hoeber, Julian. Vice Magazine 12, no. 6, (2005): 37.

Hoeber, Julian. “A Few Words on Killing Friends” in Planet B: The Aesthetics of B-Movies. Bregenz: Palais Thurn & Taxis, 2004, 73-77.
Hoeber, Julian. Vice Magazine 11, no. 6 (2004): 69.

Museum and Public Collections

Crocker Art Museum, Sacramento, CA
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TX
de Young Museum, San Francisco, CA
Deste Foundation Center for Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece
Hammer Museum, Los Angeles, CA
Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA
Museum of Modern Art, New York, NY
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas TX
Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO
Palm Springs Art Museum, Palm Springs, CA
Rosenblum Collection & Friends, Paris, France
Rubell Family Collection, Miami, FL
Tang Teaching Museum and Art Gallery, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, NY
Western Bridge, Seattle, WA

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